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  • Writer's pictureRuthi Batashvili

Ruthie's world

Updated: Nov 12, 2023

Welcome to my world

Creation is my way of expressing my inner feeling. Not everyone will understand, not everyone will connect. But they will be judged. Therefore, before we judge, try to get inside the artist's head. If you can't do it, let go. Just don't judge.

Hi :) My name is Ruthi Batashvili, and I'm an artist and creator.

Loves art of any kind: manual and digital.

Art has always attracted me, from a young age I loved to create and get dirty with lots of colors... but the field that accompanies me the most every day is drawing.

I have always loved to draw, me and my brother who is 3 and a half years younger than me have a magical world that we invented for us, our own.

There I feel the most free to express what I feel, art has always been healing therapy for me. Whether in real time or in the daily routine. Drawing for me is the freedom of expression of my inner soul, such as the things that are difficult for me to express in words, or those that are difficult for me to talk about with people. Everything comes out on the paper, and the satisfaction is endless.

Therefore, I have a mental connection to my drawings, and when people comment on them, it seems to really hurt me... hurts my world of feelings that is built within these small lines.

When I was little, (around the 4th - 5th grades) the girls in my class would shudder at the incomprehensible drafts I drew, and rightly so. I wanted to shout at them that they don't understand at all what these paintings express, and they probably never will... because this is my inner soul.

This is how it is today, although it is easier to understand my paintings today, but only I understand the depth within them.

Curious and artistic people who really want to go deeper and be interested without judging - will do so.

one day it will happen. Everything I wanted to fulfill will be. Maybe the road there is long, but worth every obstacle.

[In the illustration: Me, a few days before my birthday with a bouquet of flowers on my head, March 2020]

What is the blog for?

So I chose to open a website for myself - where I will share some of the processes I do on my storybooks, and on my art folder, whether manual or digital.

This blog is mainly for inspiration.

I want to provide useful tools that I collect for myself and share them with you. Like tutorial videos on digital illustration, and all kinds of "behind the scenes" to make it interesting. (for those who love)

In addition, tools to express emotion, for art lovers. And how to translate our inner feeling into paintings.

And for the end to the first post,

I invite you to a world of magic and experiences that cannot be found anywhere, my world. I want everyone to know about it, for it to be open to everyone, and for everyone to feel free to express their 'inner self' in the best and most liberating way.

Here you will meet imaginary and imaginary friends and girlfriends, funny, sensitive, loving and above all - they accept you as you are.

Yes... my characters accept me as I am. They are special.

In the future, I will upload here my processes and maybe also some of the plots...

Stay updated on my Instagram page (the link in the icon, at the top of the home page), and enjoy fascinating and at the same time humorous content ^_^.

So... are you also people of fantasy and a developed imagination like me?

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